Trial Postponed “Indefinitely”!

Today the 4 remaining members of the SC11 were met with a surprising and frustrating twist at the continuation of their readiness hearing. The prosecution entered a 170.1 motion to Disqualify Judge Burdick for “impartiality” which essentially halts all proceedings while that motion is dealt with. A next date of March 26th was set to revisit things, but as it is trial is unlikely to be any time before June, and may be out as far as next fall. We friends and supporters of the 11 are frustrated and motivated. This is an important time to continue our support, and increase the presence of public opinion saying “enough is enough, drop the charges!” Stay tuned for upcoming events and more information.

2 thoughts on “Trial Postponed “Indefinitely”!

  1. So, this is what Bob Lee, District Attorney for Santa Cruz see as a priority???
    ~ The farther this case goes, the more it seems like the DA doesn’t even care about truth – OR justice…

    Bob Lee is running for re-election this fall.
    I know better than to vote for him again!

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